After announcing his initial diagnosis of cancer on August 12, the former U.S. president held a second news conference in which he explained that the cancer, which had originated in his liver, had spread to his brain. Carter told those in attendance at the press conference that he was “perfectly at ease with whatever comes”.  In response to this horrible news, a members of the Friends of Jimmy Carter National Historic Site created signs with a perfect message of support for Carter and began placing them around his hometown as a surprise for the family. The signs, which have since gone viral, read: “Jimmy Carter for Cancer Survivor.” He once said in an interview; “My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”   This Week:  
  • Watch Jimmy Carter’s inspirational speech
  • Get creative and chalk up your own sidewalk or workplace parking lot (make sure to get permission first!) w
  • ith a phrase about being a better human.
  • Do something for someone else.
  • Donate to a cancer research.
  • Light a candle for the former president and anyone else you know battling this disease.