Search and read the Bible online http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0839/_INDEX.HTM
Catholic Ireland
Access this website for information about the Catholic Church in Ireland www.catholicireland.net
Education for Justice
Browse these website resources designed to promote greater knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching http://www.educationforjustice.org/
Emmaus Retreat Centre
Learn more about school retreats and spiritual programmes offered throughout the year in the Emmaus Retreat Centre http://www.emmauscentre.ie
Faith Arts
Learn about the relationship between religion and the arts from this website http://www.faitharts.ie
Holy See
The official website of the Holy See http://www.vatican.va/phome_en.htm
Interfaith Calendar
View this calendar which shows religious holy days and festivals http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/tools/calendar/
Lough Derg
Visit the website for Ireland’s oldest place of pilgrimage, Lough Derg, which has been welcoming pilgrims and retreatants for 1,500 years http://www.loughderg.org
The World Community for Christian Meditation website http://www.wccm.org/
Papal Documents
Read the hundreds of links to the Catholic Church’s Encyclicals, Apostolic Letters, Apostolic Constitutions and other publications. http://www.vatican.va/offices/papal_docs_list.html
Pray As You Go
Daily prayer for your MP3 player from Jesuit Media Initiatives https://www.prayasyougo.org
Sacred Space
Connect with the daily prayer of the Church by reflecting on the Gospel readings provided by this Jesuit-run website. http://www.sacredspace.ie
Browse the Trócaire website for information about the work that helps to bring about change in developing countries www.trocaire.com
Visit the website of Ireland’s leading religious publisher and retailer http://www.veritas.ie
Browse the official website for the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church (YOUCAT), which was written specifically for teenagers and young adults http://www.youcat.org