Do you ever get the feeling that someone who doesn’t even know you is speaking directly to you? Not a day goes by when I don’t reach for some words of wisdom, especially from my favourite poet Mary Oliver. This passionate habit of mine has given me purpose as I become profoundly moved by what words can do, how they make me feel and, most importantly, how they make images come alive and help me to come alive. It is like meeting that person to whom you can say: “What, you too? I though I was the only one!” “There are things you can’t reach, but that you can reach out to all day long – the wind, the bird flying away, the idea of God. It can keep you busy as anything else and happier”.  Mary Oliver This week:
  • Ask yourself what is it that gives you purpose? Blog about it, take a photo.
  • Find a quote you like and reflect on the words. Use the words as your daily wisdom and motivation for the week.
  • Follow the Sacred Space website by the Jesuits, which will allow you to pause and take a few minutes to reflect on each day
  • As a class group, think of all the things that give you purpose in life and create a class pinterest board on: “What gives me purpose.”